Boost Your Weight Loss Motivation
Use hypnosis to maintain your motivation until you reach your weight loss goal
Has your initial enthusiasm for your latest diet faded away?
Are you finding it harder and harder to keep to your weight loss plan?
It's always the same old story - motivation fades, and the only consolation is - it proves you're human. You're not Superman or Superwoman.
We always like to think that 'This time!' we're going to get it right. We find the perfect diet plan. We get rid of the naughty food. We pick the start day. And off we go, full of enthusiasm and high hopes.
And it's quite likely to go well at first. There's the buzz of the 'new start'. There's the great feeling when we see those first few pounds fall off the scale. We forget that we can't have a 'new start' every day.
We forget that there will be days when the scales will stay obstinately still - or even, heaven forbid, go up! When, at last, we remember this, we get discouraged. And it's so tempting to just give up. Until next time.
How do you get off this motivation merry-go-round?
Understand the psychology of weight loss motivation
The key to understanding motivation is that little thing of being human. If you keep in mind that you have the psychology of a human being and not a super being, and you work directly with that human psychology, there is a great deal you can do to help yourself achieve the healthy weight loss that you want.
Firstly, you need to appreciate the role that your unconscious plays in the decisions you make every day - including the decisions about what you will or won't eat. We're talking about the decisions that seem to 'make themselves', that happen without your directly 'thinking' about or 'choosing' them.
This sort of decision making comes out of hidden patterns in your mind, a sort of template of 'what to do in every circumstance' that you carry in your head. Everybody has such templates.
We build these templates as we go through life, not even noticing that we are doing so, and they guide our actions rather automatically. Fortunately, it is perfectly possible to update an old template which is no longer serving you well.
And the best way to do this is with hypnosis
Download Weight Loss Motivation now and give yourself the boost that lasts. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.
Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.
Face To Face in person sessions are by appointment only.
Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta.
Or online by skype or Zoom
Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901