Energy Medicine, Energy Therapy, Activations & Attunements ?

For thousands of years, practitioners around the world have activated the body’s natural healing processes.

Traditional Western medicine focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside. Energy medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside — and address the root causes of illness. To learn more about Energy Medicine Please see here

In fact, Western medicine and energy medicine pair beautifully to support and revitalize your WHOLE being. From reducing anxiety and stress through chakra balancing to enhancing cancer therapies with the wisdom of Qigong, patients everywhere are taking an active role in their own healing processes.

Below Is A List Of Some of The Energy Medicine Treatments, Courses & Energy Medicine Blog & Energy Medicine Training I Offer Please click on the images for further details

Please also see

for more specialist treatments and attunements

What Are Energy Medicine, Energy Therapy, Activations & Attunements ?

For thousands of years, practitioners around the world have activated the body’s natural healing processes.

Traditional Western medicine focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside. Energy medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside — and address the root causes of illness.

In fact, Western medicine and energy medicine pair beautifully to support and revitalize your WHOLE being. From reducing anxiety and stress through chakra balancing to enhancing cancer therapies with the wisdom of Qigong, patients everywhere are taking an active role in their own healing processes.

Mind - Body - Soul - Spirit Healing Attunements & Activations

Why Not Give The Gift Of a Session to a Loved one this year ?

Find Out More Here >>>

“In every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” -
— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize winner

No matter what your spiritual or religious beliefs, I offer Customised Healing Journeys Based on Your Requirements & Level of Consciousness

Types Of Energy Healing Modalities We Can Combine For Your Best Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health, please click on words below for more details


Chakra Healing & Balancing ∞

Crystal Healing

Quantum Healing

Sound Healing

Shamanic Healing

Customised Healing Journeys

Guided Hypno- Healing Meditations

Past Life & Between Life Regression & Healing

Activation - Total Energy Rebalance & Recalibration

Shamballa Energy Healing

Akashic Records Readings

∞ Pranic Healing ∞

Healing touch

Ayurvedic medicine

Shamanic practices

Chinese reflexology

∞ Intuitive Medicine ∞


Chi Ball Attunements

∞ Subtle Aromatherapy ∞

∞ Colour Therapy ∞

Aura Cleansing

Emotional Cord Removal

FAQ’s For All Energy Treatments>>

Science is now showing that different forms of energy medicine promote healing…

Energy healing is an integrated traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul.

Energy medicine is based on the understanding that any physical, mental, spiritual or behavioural problem has a counterpart in the body’s energies and can be treated at that level.

These techniques provide a holistic approach to healing — by not only addressing your body, mind, and spirit, but also by working with your emotions, past trauma, and even your relationships.

There are different types of energy healing techniques, which we combine to give you the very best results.

Discover Leading-Edge Energy
Practices & Unleash Your
Body’s Natural Ability to Heal!

Is Your Mind & Body Ready to Be Well ?

Did you know that the power to heal is within you?

You have a keen ability to tap into this potent resource at any time — to treat ailments and illnesses, increase vitality, balance emotions and prevent disease.

Should You Try Energy Work?

Energy medicine is not a standalone treatment, but is designed to be used alongside conventional medicine and all its advances. Where Western medicine excels at improving symptoms and eradicating disease, Eastern medicine works to heal the root cause of the problem. 

If you are seeking relief for chronic pain, hormone imbalance, stress, anxiety, or depression, energy medicine offers many different therapies to help you restore and rebalance the flow of energy through your body and your life.


Session Fees:

60-Mins –€70 ~ 90 Mins-€100 2hrs - €130

Standard sessions for those who want a concentrated therapy appointment and feel that their concerns can be addressed within this time frame. 90 mins my most popular session length.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

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