Anger Management Techniques

Anger Management

Stress at work, stress management techniques, stress reduction and relief

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Employers should provide a stress-free work environment, recognise where stress is becoming a problem for staff, and take action to reduce stress.

Stress in the workplace reduces productivity, increases management pressures, and makes people ill in many ways, evidence of which is still increasing. Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain, including functions of work performance; memory, concentration, and learning. In the UK over 13 million working days are lost every year because of stress. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses (UK HSE stress statistics).

Stress at work also provides a serious risk of litigation for all employers and organisations, carrying significant liabilities for damages, bad publicity and loss of reputation. Dealing with stress-related claims also consumes vast amounts of management time. So, there are clearly strong economic and financial reasons for organisations to manage and reduce stress at work, aside from the obvious humanitarian and ethical considerations. If you are suffering from stress yourself the stress management guidelines here are just as relevant.

Quick stress reduction techniques

If you are stressed, do one or all of these things now, in whatever order that takes your fancy.

Easy Stress Reduction Technique Number 1

Humour is one of the greatest devices for reducing stress.

It gets your brain thinking and working in a different way.

Most people will feel quite different, and notice a change in 'mindset' after doing this.

Easy Stress Reduction Technique Number 2

Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside.

Yes, actually leave the building.

Change your environment.

Breathe in some fresh air and smell the atmosphere...

Trees, rain, flowers, traffic fumes - doesn't matter - stimulate your senses with new things.

On your way out keep saying to yourself out loud (and to anyone else you see, in that daft way people say "Elvis has left the building.."):

"(your name) is leaving the building.. "

And when you are outside and free say:

"(your name) has left the building.. "

You can extend the exercise by going to a park and jogging a little.

Or do a few star-jumps - something energetic to get your body moving and relaxing.

Or stroke a dog, or pick up some litter, or kick a kid's football.

You can of course use other mantras or chants, depending on what you want to do and how far you want to get away from the stress causes, for example:

"(your name) is doing star-jumps/picking up litter/looking for a small non-threatening dog.." or

"(your name) is leaving/has left the industrial park/district/city/company/country.." etc, etc.

Of course this is daft, but the daftness reduces the stress by removing you from the stress in mind and body.

Doing something daft and physical - and reinforcing it with some daft chanting - opens up the world again.

Easy Stress Reduction Technique Tip Number 3

Go get a big cup or a bottle of water.

Here's why...

Most of us fail to drink enough water - that's water - not tea, coffee, coke, 'sports' drinks, Red Bull or fruit juice...

All of your organs, including your brain, are strongly dependent on water to function properly. It's how we are built.

If you starve your body of water you will function below your best - and you will get stressed. Physically and mentally.

Offices and workplaces commonly have a very dry atmosphere due to air conditioning, etc., which increases people's susceptibility to de-hydration.

This is why you must keep your body properly hydrated by regularly drinking water (most people need 4-8 glasses of water a day).

You will drink more water if you keep some on your desk at all times - it's human nature to drink it if it's there - so go get some now.

When you drink water you need to pee. This gives you a bit of a break and a bit of exercise now and then, which also reduces stress.

When you pee you can see if your body is properly hydrated (your pee will be clear or near clear - if it's yellow you are not taking enough water).

This will also prompt some amusing discussion and chuckling with your colleagues ("Nature calls - I'm off to the bog again...") which is also good for reducing stress.

You do not need to buy expensive mineral water. Tap water is fine.

If you do not like the taste of tap water it's probably because of the chlorine (aquarium fish don't like it either), however the chlorine dissipates quite naturally after a few hours - even through a plastic bottle - so keep some ordinary tap water in the fridge for 2-3 hours and try it then.

If you want to be really exotic add a slice of lemon or lime. Kiwi and sharon fruit are nice too...

So now you are fully watered and guffawing and exercised up to the max.