How to have the life you deserve and have always wanted

How to have the life you deserve and have always wanted

Free Life coaching Session


The truth is that most of us don’t know what we want in our lives.  We usually drift through life stating all the things that we don’t want, such as I don’t want to do this job anymore, I don’t want to be overweight, I don’t want to be with a man who treats me unkindly, I don’t want to be alone. 

The problem is that what we focus on is very often what we get and our minds are not able to distinguish between the positive and the negative so that very often we end up with the very things that we don’t want.

The most successful people in life are those that are very clear about what they want, are very clear about how to get there and follow through with action to move forward to achieving that.

Without a clear idea of what you want to be, do and have you are likely to be drifting.  This often means you have little control over your life and even fewer choices, which can lead to frustration, anxiety, fear and stress.

GOOD NEWS - This does not have to be so.

Anyone can take control of their future, get clear on what they want and improve the quality of their life forever.

Follow this step by step guide and see if it works for you:


Step 1 – Gather

Write down on a piece of paper everything you want to be, do and have.  Keep going until you have exhausted all your ideas.


Step 2 – Review

Go through your list and ask yourself what is this going to do for me or give to me?  Cross off the list anything you cannot give an answer to.  Make sure you are very clear about why you want this.


Step 3 – Evaluate

Now look at your remaining list of items and see how they fit in with the important things in your life.  For example, if your young family are very important to you then you may find that setting yourself a target of spending the next 5 years surfing the coasts of Australia is unrealistic.

Spend some time closely scruitinising each target and ask yourself some questions such as:

Will this improve my life, make me happier, healthier, richer? What benefits are there for me and the other important people in my life?


Step 4 – Take Action

Now take each of the items on your list and create a `To Do` list.  Ask yourself what you are willing to do to move closer to this item.  Break each target down into smaller steps so that you don’t get overwhelmed and work out what the `to do` list is for each step.  Keep breaking it down until you have a manageable list of actions you can do, one way to do this is to ask keep on asking yourself How will I do that?  The steps don’t need to be so easy that they are boring or don’t stretch you and also don’t make them too hard so that you would not achieve them.

Think about daily activities, weekly activities and monthly activities. The idea is that you can achieve the overall aim somewhere between 3-6 months.

Don’t forget to keep your list of `to do` handy so that you can cross them off your list as you achieve them. 


Step 5 – Set specific dates for the action

Add some realistic time scales for doing/completing the action.  This step is really important as it will enable you to keep yourself on track for achieving the life you want.  It will help to motivate and encourage you to move forwards.


Give yourself a hearty slap on the back for completing this exercise. 

Now spend some time thinking of how you will feel once you have achieved your aims.  What will you see and hear?  What will your friends and other people be saying to you? 

Create some rewards for yourself as you achieve each target as these will also help to motivate and encourage you.

Remind yourself every so often of those areas in your life that you are improving so that you can know if you are moving closer to achieving them. 

Remember:  the extent to which you keep your word with yourself is the extent to which your life works. 


This article has been written by Kimberley Stapleton who is dedicated to helping people to live the life they’ve always wanted and that they truly deserve.  As a follow up to this article the first ten people to contact Kimberley directly will be offered a free life coaching session on how to create and live the life you’ve always wanted.  She can be or please fill in your details below and she will contact you for your free appointment