Akashic Records
Reading, Healing, Counselling, Tarot
An Akashic Records Reading offers deep clarity, direction, answers, and support. For one hour, we’ll journey into your Records, asking your most pressing questions, and exploring the guidance and insights of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.
What are the Akashic Records?
Guidance & Healing For
The Akashic records are a high vibrational energetic library of information that contains every thought, emotion, and experience that has ever happened to every soul that has ever existed. The records also contain the most likely of possible futures. The records change constantly because we have free will as humans and can change our own thoughts and destiny on a daily basis.
Opening the records can be a deeply emotional experience. Through accessing your Soul’s Akashic Records you are able to find the answers you have been looking for and what to do next.
Being able to tap into your Akashic Records is hugely valuable in helping answer deep questions about you and receiving suggestions to live the life of your dreams, happily. This includes life purpose, financial, relationships, career, mission etc.
and how will your session benefit you?
What kinds of questions can I ask?
Its best if you come prepared with you questions written down before our session. When working on your questions, be as specific as possible and try not to ask yes/no and should/shouldn't questions. Instead, start questions with How, What or Why. If you’re not sure what or how to ask not to worry we can have a chat about that before we open the records.
How to Prepare for Your Consultation
Your consultation can be online via video/audio call or in person if based in Malta or I happen to be geographically at your location. I love serving our global clients across the continents.
Make a list of questions to work from that you would like answered.
Have a pen/paper to jot down important aspects of the information you receive. The session is however audio recorded and shared with you after the consultation. Good for future reviews to measure how far you’ve come on your journey.
No recreational drugs or excessive alcohol for 24 hours before your consultation. Prescription medications are acceptable.
Some suggested guideline questions:
What is my greatest challenge/fear at this time? What is the root cause of it? What are my resources to resolve it? What lesson am I to learn from this? What is my path of least resistance to resolve this issue?
What talents did I incarnate with that I need to use now to further my growth?
What resource(s) can I utilize to assist me with parenting, my marriage etc.
What is the underlying issue between _______________ (mother, boss, spouse, etc.) and me?
What do I need to know about this? How do I bring this into resolution?
What messages do my higher self, higher power, universal consciousness, spiritual guides (angels, guides, ascended masters, etc.) want me to know at this time? You can replace these names with which whatever ones work best for you e.g. Source, God ….
Everyone experiences their Akashic Records in a unique way. What seems to be always common is a feeling of calmness, profound love and non-judgement.
The Akashic Records are the cosmic library of everything that has ever happened in this multiverse. Everything is energy, and every movement of energy since the first division from Source/Oneness is recorded in the Records.
You could think of it as a next level super computer which has memory of everything; past, present and future.
The Akashic Records hold your entire history as a Soul.
Every thought, action, feeling and intent, from all lifetimes both here on Earth and in other dimensions, is stored in the Akashic Records. This includes the lessons you have learned, the relationships you have had, the contracts your Soul has made, and the unique blueprint and purpose of your individual Soul.
While you may not experience it in your day-to-day life we are all connected. As the Akashic Records are the book of everything they hold all aspects of our collective oneness, including your individual Soul information and how it links to everyone and everything.
Much of what sits in our unconscious mind is shared experience, universal to all of humanity. This is why Archetypes, symbols, myths and age old stories hold so much power; they are messages from the collective we can all touch and experience, that flow through many people simultaneously in the form of dreams, inspiration and invention.
The Role Of Free Will
An understanding of the Akashic Records requires understanding the role of free will and time. In our day to day lives most people feel we have some degree of free will, and that time is a linear, steady progression.
In fact we each have complete free will. We often don’t experience this as we are not aware of the complex, interwoven myriad of past experiences, programs and imprints that we carry around. These things make us feel we are a certain way and like we “have to” do certain things, which creates a very limited experience of life. This energetic baggage that we carry around is mostly hidden from view and buried in our subconscious, and all we experience is a limited set of choices in a life that often feels outside our control.
Your Past, Present and Future
Time does not exist in the linear way we experience it. It is an agreed upon construct that most of us buy into, which therefore creates it as a “reality”. In fact all things which we would call past, present and future exist simultaneously in the infinite now. This is important as the Akashic Records are not a fixed, static record in the way a physical library is. They are a dynamic, ever changing energetic record. As each of us exercise free will and make choices the Akashic Records change.
What is possible for you this very moment will change when you change.
As you heal your past your past literally changes, which ripples into a whole new set of possible futures. Everything is energy. Everything exists now.
Life is a It is a learning, growing experience. We are therefore born with a level of amnesia whereby we forget most of our Soul’s past, remembering only small fragments (which often come to us spontaneously at different times of our lives) that we need. These fragments of insight come only at the moments we need them.
I am often asked “why” we can’t automatically remember all of our past life information on our own. The answer is simply that knowing it all would take you out of the game, and you’re here to fully engage the game.
It’s like when you play a sporting game. While you are playing that game all else goes out of your mind, as it has to in order for you to focus and play fully. You are not thinking about a party next month, or what your mum said to you last year or what you’ll make for dinner. You need to have all of this out of your mind so that your focus is entirely on the game at hand, so you can give it your all. And so it is with life as a whole. Only the information you need at this particular point will ever be made available to you.
What To Expect At Your Session
Akashic Readings
In this 60-minute Akashic Records Reading, we will begin with a grounding meditation before opening your Records and exploring the guidance and insights of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.
After an hour, I’ll close the Records and we will connect to energetically close the container. All sessions are held virtually via Zoom and will be recorded/emailed to you.
I offer an approx. 1 hour reading with an option to bundle it with a follow on 1 hour healing or intuitive counselling session (which normally will take place a few days after the reading although if required it can be immediately afterwards).
All readings are 100% confidential and offer deep clarity, direction, answers, and support through every season of life.
Intuitive counselling / Coaching can help you ground and integrate your reading so that you can utilize what you learned in your daily life And can be either
Akashic Tarot Reading
Accessing your Akashic Records while reading the Tarot to ask your questions is the ultimate of readings!
*Akashic Records & Akashic Tarot Reading* €70 ( 1 Hour)
*Akashic Records Reading + Intuitive Counselling/Healing Bundle € 125 ( 2 Hours )
When we access the records together you will only be shown information about yourself and only that information which is for their highest good at the time of the reading.
It is important to know that it’s not like browsing the internet. You can’t just tour around seeing whatever you fancy.
Accessing the Akashic Records is a sacred covenant where you are shown that which you are ready to see and that which enables you to move forward with your highest Soul expression.
When I access your Akashic Records I act as a Soul interpreter, I step into your world. I am shown animated clips, symbolic imagery and words that I then translate in a way that you can understand and absorb in the form or your reading. In short I narrate or decode your Soul’s Akashic Records content into a language that resonates with you.
The Akashic Records show us our Soul’s highest possible potential from our current point of attraction, and the unique path for this lifetime that is an expression of that potential.
Seeing our Soul’s potential and path is one of the biggest reasons people come for a reading with me. When we live in alignment with our Soul purpose we feel a magical freedom and joyful fulfilment in our everyday life which is simply not accessible when we are living a life different to what our Soul had in mind for us.
Of course we all have complete free will and can live and choose whatever we want. The Akashic Records are an ever changing fluid array of possible futures. What is called from possibility into reality is determined by your free will, the choices you make.
You have an extraordinary and unique mission. It is an important mission you have been working towards for many lifetimes. Your path comes with its own individual and unique learnings, challenges and obstacles.
Many people come to me aware of their obstacles and not yet quite believing they have a higher calling and contribution to make. You are in exactly the right place for you right now. As we work together you will come to see that all of this, everything you have been through and how you came to be here, right now, reading this, is divinely orchestrated for your highest good.
Through accessing your Soul’s Akashic Records we are able to find the answers you have been looking for and what to do next. We can stop guessing and see what happened in past lives, why relationship patterns keep repeating, why certain people are in your life, why you feel like a hamster stuck on a wheel.
We can see why you’ve had those addictions, thoughts, beliefs and limitations and what you have learned from them.
We can see the big picture and how things fit together, why you had to travel through so much hell and what it has taught you. We can see the unique set of gifts, abilities and potentials you have and how your Soul intends these to come together into a symphony of joyful, empowered, loving, fulfilled, purposeful easy living. We can see who is coming into your life to support you, and how.
We do so much more than just see what is in your Akashic Records - we reconnect you to your Soul, the highest part of you, and bring that connection, guidance and power into your day-to-day, living, breathing reality as a whole person.
Your gift here is to be and live in joyful freedom, of a type most people would dismiss as impossible. I’m here to tell you it is not only possible, it’s your birthright. It’s what you’ve been working towards through the endless struggles.
The healing energy inherent in the Akashic Records reconnects us to who we truly are, divine expressions of one magnificent, boundless, unconditionally loving whole. When we connect back into Source we find the freedom to choose flow, grace and oneness in all things.
This is You, your highest truth, who you really are. Are you ready?
Intuitive Counselling SPECIALIZED Add on SESSIONS:
You may have a specific situation that you would like to explore from the soul level to better understand your experience as well as what you are supposed to learn from it.
In this type of session, it is important to state your concern or intention at the time that you schedule the appointment so that this is the main focus when I access the Akashic Record.
Because we all create our own realities, it is important to remain open to the information you receive. We only receive the information that we can absorb at any given time. Although you may want to know how something is going to end, you may only receive information about how to handle the situation without attaching to a particular outcome. Some situations need to unfold as you evolve, and you cannot “fast forward” through your growth. This is typically a one-hour session.
We learn and grow the most from our experiences with others. For that reason, many people want to understand their relationship from a soul level so that we can better navigate the human condition. Perhaps you struggle with a romantic relationship, parent/child interactions, sibling rivalries, interchanges with business partners, or even connections with close friends. The goal of a Relationship Session is to illuminate the challenges from a soul perspective so that the dynamic can be exposed, managed, and even resolved. This session will help you to identify and remove any blocks and restrictions between you and another soul so that you can create a more effective relationship.
Imagine being “assigned” a tapestry at the time of birth. Ideally as you travel through your lifetime, you will weave and reweave the tapestry from start to finish according to life events and what you are here to learn.
Many people have “life lessons”, or chords per se, that seem to challenge us throughout our life. In order for us to evolve, we must consciously acknowledge the patterns of our challenges and make attempts to grow beyond them.
This requires us to do something different to create a new outcome. The Life Lesson session helps you to more clearly identify core life lessons that need to be mastered in order for you to move on and reach your highest potential—not to mention find more peace in life.
Akashic Records Reading €70 ( 1 Hour)
Akashic Records Reading + Intuitive Counselling Bundle € 125 ( 2 Hours )
Sessions available in person in Sliema, Naxxar, Mellieha or online by zoom or skype
If you’d like to Book a Reading please call, message or whatsapp on 00356 99355901
Gift Idea
Offering an Akashic Records Reading to a loved one is a beautiful gift! We recommend purchasing a gift certificate here that they can then use to schedule their reading.
The types of questions and issues people bring to me include:
∞ what is my soul’s purpose?
∞ what kind of work should I be doing in the world as an expression of this purpose?
∞ why am I completely trapped in certain relationships and how can I get free?
∞ why can’t I seem to get things together financially?
∞ why do I keep having these same issues (health, career, creativity etc)?
∞ why can’t I shake these limiting beliefs and thoughts and self sabotages?
∞ why do I keep reacting in the same way and why do I feel so stuck?
∞ who is my soul mate and when can I meet him/her?
∞ why am I in this dysfunctional family?
∞ how can I live my soul purpose in the real world?
Booking Sessions
∞ Akashic Records Reading Approx 60 mins ~ €70
∞ Akashic Records Reading
Intuitive Counselling Bundle
Approx 2 Hours €125
Hi lovely soul and welcome, I’m Kimberley Stapleton
Born into a family of intuitives & seeresses and with an additional 30 + years of experience and training in mind body soul spirit work .
I’ve heard many people call me many things when it comes to my work and I’ve been known as a counsellor, hypnotherapist, psychologist, Intuitive Soul Reader, Seeress, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Shaman, Teacher and Energy Worker / Medicine Practitioner.
The labels are plenty, however, I truly work on removing myself (and any labels I, or others, share) from the work we do together.
Currently, I support people all over the world with various mind body soul spirit Sessions, courses, trainings, events, retreats and through my quickly growing podcast,
If you have a calling to work with me why not give me a call
Love & Light
Kimberley x