Weight Loss

How Hypnotherapy can help you keep weight off

weight loss.png with kimberley stapleton mind body soul spirit

Keep the Weight Off After Reaching Your Weight Loss Goal

How hypnotherapy can help you keep weight off after a successful weight loss plan

Are you fed up with yoyo dieting?

Don't you wish diet plans included effective and realistic techniques to stop the pounds creeping back on?

Anybody can lose weight on a diet, especially if combined with a good exercise program, and there is no denying that the good feeling you get as the excess pounds melt away and you arrive at your target weight is hard to beat. It really is an achievement, and you deserve to feel proud of yourself for your commitment and dedication.

And you deserve to go on enjoying being the right weight and shape for you.

Why is it so hard to keep weight off?

That's the tricky bit, isn't it? You've probably been here before. Reached the target, lots of satisfaction, feeling good in yourself and in your clothes, enjoying the compliments of others, and then somehow, you don't mean to, but it happens, the weight just starts to re-materialise.

You don't panic at first, thinking it will be easy to get rid of that little extra. But that little extra just keeps growing. It's very disheartening.

It's enough to put you off diets for good. It just doesn't seem possible to lose weight and keep it off - for good. Why isn't there a switch in your head you can flick that will keep you eating (and enjoying) only what's good and right for your ideal healthy weight?

The secret switch which will really help you keep weight off

Diet plans don't tell you this - but there is. In your own brain you have a mechanism for creating strong patterns of behaviour - habits.

Mostly this mechanism operates unconsciously - you are not really aware exactly how the things you do all the time without thinking became habits. But you can learn to use this mechanism deliberately and consciously to develop a habit that you want - like healthy eating. Here's how.

Using the power of hypnosis to reach right into your unconscious mind, where habits are formed, this powerful session will give you the two keys to successful weight maintenance and make sure you never lose them.

While you enjoy the profound relaxation and invigoration that come with deep trance, you will effortlessly absorb powerful life-enhancing suggestions that will become a deeply embedded part of you. As you listen regularly, you will find that you just naturally:

💖feel an irresistible drive to take really good care of yourself

💖focus on feeling alive and vital in every way

💖make healthier choices about food and exercise

💖feel really proud of your body and yourself


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

3 Day Diet Menu Eating Your Way To Thinness


If you’re trying to lose weight, then there’s a good chance you’re looking for a 3 day diet menu.

3 day diets have been popular for decades, even before the internet came around. If you’re old enough, you might remember your friends and family passing around photocopies of the various 3 day diet menu options. Nowadays, most of us get them in Email form.

There are several different 3 day diets that are popular, with names like the Mayo Clinic Diet or the Cleveland Clinic diet or the Tuna and Water diet. Each of these has a different 3 day diet menu, but they all work by similar methods.

What most of these diets do is use a combination of low calories and low carbohydrates to elicit extremely fast weight loss, usually somewhere in the neighbourhood of two pounds a day.

Generally speaking, they are usually said to have originated at a medical clinic to enable heart patients to lose weight before surgery. Most of the clinics have come out and denied that they were the originators of these programs, but they remain popular because the do get results.

Probably the most famous diet of this type is the one known as the Mayo Clinic Diet, or more simply as the Grapefruit Diet. This is different from the others in that, no surprise, it makes heavy use of grapefruit in the 3 day diet menu.

Supposedly, the grapefruit has enzymes in it that are supposed to help speed up fat loss. While there is some evidence that this is true, the real value of the grapefruit comes from the fact that eating it before your meal forces you to eat less at that meal.

Grapefruits are high in water and bulk and low in calories, which means that when you eat them they take up a great deal of space in your stomach. Because of this, you’ll eat less of other, more calorie dense foods, which means that you will eat less calories total at eat meal without feeling deprived.

Aside from the grapefruit diet, the way the 3 day diet menu tends to vary is a matter of the level of carbohydrates allowed. Some of the diets recommend a piece of toast or bread at each meal, other prohibit starches entirely.

Typically breakfast on these programs will consist of one of two choices. On the higher carb programs, it’s toast and peanut butter. On the lower carb programs, it’s usually going to be two eggs and some bacon.

Lunch is pretty similar in that regard. The high carb versions will allow you have meat and a piece of bread or toast and maybe some fruit. The low carb ones will just have you eat meat and a salad with full fat dressing.

Dinner tends to be the same for both, oddly enough. What you’ll usually be eating is meat and vegetables, and usually in fairly large portions, with dinner tending to be the largest meal of the day.

The higher carb versions actually have a tendency to be lower in calories to compensate for the extra carbohydrates. A lower carb 3 day diet menu will usually be much less restrictive in calories, so the key is to choose the diets you can mostly easily stick with.

Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley on TVM - FitAM ~ talking about Dieting

Kimberley on TVM - FitAM ~ talking about Dieting

Get Into Shape With Hypnosis For Slimming – Relax To Lose Weight!


Hypnosis for slimming sounds like a contradiction to some people, because it undermines everything that everyone has told you is the best way to shed weight.

What if I were to tell you that you could lose those inches off your waist just by relaxing?

Lose those extra kilos just by prompting your mind to increase the metabolism, and instructing it to curb binging and snacking? You might even be feeling exasperated at this suggestion; because you spent hundreds of pounds trying to sweat it out in the gym, you are losing precious sleep over that early morning jog, and worse still you have been on a crash diet for the last two weeks only to find out that there is an easier and more effective way of getting back your curves!

Hypnosis for slimming is not a stopgap method of losing weight, mind you, it is a way of changing your entire lifestyle. Hypnosis for slimming does not prescribe special diets or routine exercises directly, but instead helps in empowering you to make necessary lifestyle changes for the new you. As is its nature, Hypnotherapy for slimming works on the power of positive suggestion. Through repeated sessions of hypnosis you can train and educate your mind to automatically choose food which is healthy for you, as well as control over eating.

I have always mentioned that our little brain has more power than we can ever imagine, and that the subconscious is a veritable gold mine; the only problem is that most of us haven’t started digging yet. The moment we start tapping into its potential, we will truly realise its powers. Remember that our subconscious can be trained into doing things that you want; and this training can be provided by regular Hypnosis sessions. Working on the principle of auto-feed, you will be able to train your mind to do anything…including slimming down.

The first step towards getting into shape through hypnosis is to understand what really the problem is. What is the root cause of your binging? Why can’t you help but reach out for dollops of ice-cream every time you are down? Through the use of analytical hypnosis, we can figure out the underlying issue and then work the hypnotherapy sessions around it. Yes, hypnosis for slimming is customised depending upon the client’s situation. A therapist will need to understand what sends you gravitating towards food – is it low self confidence, self image, depression, reward eating, or comfort eating? Based on the analysis, a suitable hypnosis routine can be worked out for you.

The second stage here is called suggestion therapy, where you will put the power of positive suggestion to good use. By suggesting to your subconscious what’s good for it and what isn’t you will be shaping your own future, which will definitely be leaner and fitter than your past. Through making positive reinforcements about yourself and your eating habits to your mind you will be gently moulding it to follow a healthier diet and better eating habits. Hypnosis for slimming is one of the easiest and most long lasting ways of losing weight and keeping it that way. So go ahead, try Hypnotherapy and lose those kilos simply by relaxing!.

If you think That Hypnotherapy can help you in anyway.

Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Can Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?

In recent years, more and more people are trying out #acupuncture to lose #weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight?


Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or TCM physicians claim that #acupuncture can help you to lose body fat by making you feel full and so will eat less. This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patient’s weight loss program.

Acupuncture treatment can also be used to raise your metabolic rate and help you to burn more calories to speed up weight loss.

Some Chinese medicine practitioners say that acupuncture stimulates the production of a hormone called endorphins and this hormone helps to lower body fat, insulin and lipid levels in the bloodstream thus less insulin is converted into body fat.

Acupuncture is not a miracle cure for obesity.

TCM physicians often stress that to achieve good weight loss results from your program and maintaining your weight, acupuncture treatment alone is not enough.

To lose weight effectively and keep the fats off permanently, acupuncture treatment must be combined with #healthy eating habits and regular #exercises.

Before you begin your acupuncture treatment, your Chinese physician will conduct a medical examination on you by checking your pulse and examination of your tongue to ensure that you are suitable for acupuncture weight loss treatment.

This is because TCM is a holistic branch of health care and does not just specifically target ailment or medical complaint.

So an investigation into other reasons why a patient is obese is necessary to solve the problem holistically.

If you want to lose weight naturally and without drugs, why not try TCM acupuncture for your weight loss program?

Why Hypnosis and Nutrition Work For Permanent Weight Loss

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Why We use a mixture of Hypnosis and Nutrition to help you lose weight and keep it off

Hypnosis for weight loss sounds like a dichotomy to some people, because it sub verses everything that everyone has thought as the best way to shed weight.

What if I were to tell you that you could lose those inches off your waist just by relaxing and learning a little about good nutrition ?

Lose those extra kilos just by prompting your mind to increase the metabolism, and instructing it to curb binging and snacking?

You might even be feeling exasperated at this suggestion; because you spent hundreds of pounds trying to sweat it out in the gym; you are losing precious sleep over that early morning jog, and worse still you have been on a crash diet for the last two weeks only to find out that there is an easier and more effective way of getting back your curves!

Hypnosis for weight loss is not a stop gap method of losing weight, mind you; it is a way of changing your entire lifestyle.

Hypnosis for weight loss does not prescribe special diets or routine exercises directly, but instead helps in empowering you to make necessary lifestyle changes for the new you.

As is its nature, hypnotherapy for weight loss works on the power of positive suggestion. Through repeated sessions of self hypnosis you can train and educate your mind to automatically choose food which is healthy for you, as well as control over eating.

I have always mentioned that our little brain has more power than we can ever imagine, and that the subconscious is a veritable gold mine; the only problem is that most of us haven’t started digging yet.

The moment we start tapping into its potential, we will truly realize its powers. Remember that our subconscious can be trained into doing things that you want; and this training can be provided by regular self-hypnosis sessions.

Working on the principle of auto-feed, you will be able to train your mind to do anything…including slimming down.

The first step towards getting into shape through hypnosis is to understand what really the problem is. What is the root cause of your binging? Why can’t you help but reach out for dollops of ice-cream every time you are down?

Through the use of analytical hypnosis, we can figure out the underlying issue and then work the hypnotherapy sessions around it.

Yes, hypnosis for weight loss is customized depending upon the your situation. A therapist will need to understand what sends you gravitating towards food – is it low self confidence, self image, depression, reward eating, or comfort eating?

Based on the analysis, a suitable hypnosis routine can be worked out for you.

The second stage here is called suggestion therapy, where you will put the power of positive suggestion to good use. By suggesting to your subconscious what’s good for it and what isn’t you will be shaping your own future, which will definitely be leaner and fitter than your past.

Through making positive reinforcements about yourself and your eating habits to your mind you will be gently molding it to follow a healthier diet and better eating habits.

Hypnosis for weight loss is one of the easiest and most long lasting ways of losing weight and keeping it that way. So go ahead, try hypnotherapy and lose those kilos simply by relaxing!

Tel : 99355901 for more details or to book an appointment