
How to Build Your Self Esteem With Hypnotherapy


Break the negative trance of low self esteem with a gentle, permissive Hypnotherapy session.

The effects of low self esteem are all around us.

Broken or dysfunctional relationships, academic underachievement, feelings of loneliness and isolation, and behaviour that damages health and life prospects all have roots in low self esteem.

Why high self esteem isn't the answer

It might seem that high self esteem would be a great thing, but high self esteem can bring its own problems.

A little bit of doubt or caution before you go feet first into something forces you to consider more carefully how your actions might affect, for good or bad, the outcome.

So, how much self esteem is right for you?

The effects of low self esteem

Your opinion of yourself, what you think of your own 'worth', really does make a difference to your life. If you mistakenly value yourself too low, you may:

  • blame yourself for things that aren't your fault

  • underestimate your own abilities

  • expect things to go wrong for you

Low self esteem may stop you from socialising and keeping friendships alive, cutting yourself off from the world. Low self esteem may cause you to drink excessively or look for other 'highs' to give your life some excitement.

Or maybe it simply stops you from doing what you want to do, as you've run out of energy or belief that you're worth it and it's worth pursuing.

Why does looking after your self esteem matter?

When you have a more balanced view of yourself, you can;

  • be much fairer to yourself

  • be more objective about your strong points

  • have more confidence in your abilities

  • feel calmer when you think about yourself and your future

  • think more positively about life generally

So, rather than going flat out for high self esteem, the best way forward is to work on building it to a healthy level that will help you get more out of life and feel more comfortable with yourself. Maybe your self esteem right now hovers around a low 1 or 2 out of 10, but you'd settle for feeling more like a 7 or 8 out of 10.

With higher self esteem, you will start to socialise more and believe you've got something to say that's worth hearing. You will stop abusing your body and look after you physical health better. You will say yes more at work, or school and start to progress towards what you want out of life.

How Hypnotherapy can improve self esteem

The trouble with low self esteem is that it generally stems from emotions that are created at an unconscious level. Which is why conscious efforts to think better of yourself rarely work.

And this is where Hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is the art of communicating with the unconscious mind, and so we can use it to update the old patterns that are driving low self esteem. It will:

  • relax you incredibly deeply

  • remind you of your good qualities (that sometimes may be difficult to appreciate)

  • improve your self confidence

  • give you the inner strength to come through difficult times

  • help you feel better about yourself

  • improve your social and working relationships

Please contact Me if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Get Into Shape With Hypnosis For Slimming – Relax To Lose Weight!


Hypnosis for slimming sounds like a contradiction to some people, because it undermines everything that everyone has told you is the best way to shed weight.

What if I were to tell you that you could lose those inches off your waist just by relaxing?

Lose those extra kilos just by prompting your mind to increase the metabolism, and instructing it to curb binging and snacking? You might even be feeling exasperated at this suggestion; because you spent hundreds of pounds trying to sweat it out in the gym, you are losing precious sleep over that early morning jog, and worse still you have been on a crash diet for the last two weeks only to find out that there is an easier and more effective way of getting back your curves!

Hypnosis for slimming is not a stopgap method of losing weight, mind you, it is a way of changing your entire lifestyle. Hypnosis for slimming does not prescribe special diets or routine exercises directly, but instead helps in empowering you to make necessary lifestyle changes for the new you. As is its nature, Hypnotherapy for slimming works on the power of positive suggestion. Through repeated sessions of hypnosis you can train and educate your mind to automatically choose food which is healthy for you, as well as control over eating.

I have always mentioned that our little brain has more power than we can ever imagine, and that the subconscious is a veritable gold mine; the only problem is that most of us haven’t started digging yet. The moment we start tapping into its potential, we will truly realise its powers. Remember that our subconscious can be trained into doing things that you want; and this training can be provided by regular Hypnosis sessions. Working on the principle of auto-feed, you will be able to train your mind to do anything…including slimming down.

The first step towards getting into shape through hypnosis is to understand what really the problem is. What is the root cause of your binging? Why can’t you help but reach out for dollops of ice-cream every time you are down? Through the use of analytical hypnosis, we can figure out the underlying issue and then work the hypnotherapy sessions around it. Yes, hypnosis for slimming is customised depending upon the client’s situation. A therapist will need to understand what sends you gravitating towards food – is it low self confidence, self image, depression, reward eating, or comfort eating? Based on the analysis, a suitable hypnosis routine can be worked out for you.

The second stage here is called suggestion therapy, where you will put the power of positive suggestion to good use. By suggesting to your subconscious what’s good for it and what isn’t you will be shaping your own future, which will definitely be leaner and fitter than your past. Through making positive reinforcements about yourself and your eating habits to your mind you will be gently moulding it to follow a healthier diet and better eating habits. Hypnosis for slimming is one of the easiest and most long lasting ways of losing weight and keeping it that way. So go ahead, try Hypnotherapy and lose those kilos simply by relaxing!.

If you think That Hypnotherapy can help you in anyway.

Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Reduce Everyday Stress with Hypnosis


Are you wondering why you feel stressed or anxious when there doesn't seem to be any major reason for it?

Do you find yourself getting tense, sleeping badly, and feeling irritable a lot of the time, even though outwardly things appear to be okay?

When we look at other people, it often seems that things are going pretty smoothly for them. Maybe other people have said this about you - commented on the 'good life' that you seem to have.

And maybe it's even true that, overall, things are more or less okay, or even very good. So it feels very unfair - and a bit of mystery - if you find that you are constantly stressed.

If you could find a real 'cause' to pin it on, you might feel better about it. If there was a big personal problem, like a bereavement, or a divorce, or trouble at work, the sort of thing that everyone agrees is stressful.

But if you feel you 'really have nothing to complain about', you begin to wonder what on earth is going on.

The truth about the stress of ordinary life

The truth is, stress isn't all about the big stuff. Stress is a spectrum, not an on/off switch. At any time, a range of different pressures may be affecting your life, and all to a different degree.

If they are at the lower end of the spectrum, but there are a lot of them, the cumulative effect can be as great as if a single one of the 'big beasts' is rampaging about in your life.

This is why everyday stress levels can build up without you noticing. It's just a little bit here, a little bit there - but it all wears away at you.

And it deserves to be taken as seriously as you would take major stress. That is, you need to look after yourself - no matter how good your life looks on the outside.

How hypnosis can help you manage your stressors better

 Why not Book a customised in person session to Reduce Everyday Stress that will help you relax deeply and minimize the impact of those invisible everyday pressures. Treat yourself as you really deserve now and get those worries out of your life.

After your session, you'll notice that

  • you feel much calmer and more relaxed generally

  • you sleep better

  • your mood improves and you feel more cheerful and optimistic

  • you are more resilient and can handle things better

  • you are enjoying life more

Book a 1 : 1 customised session Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to book your appointment

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of other problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR SESSION Please contact us by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Reduce Everyday Stress now and put the shine back on your life. 

See here for Other ways to reduce stress :

If you’d like some help with de-stressing I also offer customised in person hypnotherapy sessions, & crystal reiki healing in Malta.

Stop Putting People on a Pedestal

hypnotherapy malta

Let hypnosis help you connect more naturally with others and put yourself on the same level as others

Do you have a tendency to idealise people?

Do you often feel inferior to people who have qualities you admire?

We all idealise people from time to time. As an obvious example, you can probably think of a teenage crush who, in your lovestruck eyes, could do no wrong. (Of course, later in life you likely came to realise just how distorted your view of that person really was!)

There's nothing wrong with putting people on a pedestal from time to time. It's good to recognize qualities we respect and admire in others, as it can help us shape our own personal beliefs and values, and inspire us to better ourselves. The problem arises when we magnify those qualities to an unrealistic degree.

When we see others as superior, we necessarily see ourselves as inferior, which creates an unfair and harmful self-image. Not only that, it can also be uncomfortable for the person on the pedestal, who may worry that they can't live up to the standard you've set for them. Most importantly, it creates a sense of distance that quashes any chance of real human connection.

We are all just human beings

When we put someone on a pedestal, we fail to recognise that their strengths are offset by plenty of weaknesses, too. To genuinely connect with others, it is critical to realise this. We can learn to see and accept all of a person - the good and the bad, the unique and the ordinary. We can nurture the understanding that we are all just human beings, each of us with the same intrinsic value and worth.

That's what this session is going to help you to do: to see people as they really are. To break free of the habit of magnifying people's strengths, while ignoring their weaknesses. You can still look up to people you admire, and you can even put people on a pedestal now and then. But you'll recognize this for the distorted view that it is, knowing that in reality they are no better than you or anyone else.

How hypnosis can help

I offer in person tailored sessions to help or why not try this download .. Stop Putting People on a Pedestal is an audio hypnosis session that will help you stop idealizing people.

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you'll notice that you:

  • Recognize that all humans have the same inherent value

  • Naturally treat others simply as fellow human beings on the same level as you

  • Relate to others in a more comfortable, relaxed way

  • Feel more confident and self-assured in general.

I offer in person sessions to help you Overcome any fears or doubts you may have or you can download Stop Putting People on a Pedestal now and learn to set aside doubt when it doesn't serve you.

Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to book an in person session

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901.

You can book a session by calling or whatsapp on 99355901 or Download Stop Putting People on a Pedestal now and start enjoying natural, genuine connection with others. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

Very best wishes


Overcome Fear You've Done Something Wrong


Learn to distance yourself from the doubt and focus on more productive things

Do you spend an inordinate amount of time wondering whether you've made some kind of terrible mistake?

Are you constantly plagued by doubt?

Maybe you're pouring over something you said to a friend, wondering if they took offence. Perhaps you're concerned that client took their business elsewhere because of something you did. Or maybe you can't stop thinking about that red light you may or may not have accidentally run. Regardless of what it is you're obsessing over, fear you've done something wrong is never fun.

Thinking back over our actions and checking for errors is a natural and, in moderation, useful part of being human. But, like most things in life, when we do this to excess it can start to cause problems. Recurrent, intrusive doubts can cause guilt and anxiety, and leave us constantly seeking reassurance.

So what can you do to help divert your mind away from these frustrating and fruitless thoughts?

A strategy for driving out doubt

First, you need to externalize your doubt. This doesn't mean suppressing it, but rather gaining some distance from it so that it is separate from who you fundamentally are. Recognize it for the imaginary or insignificant concern that it is. When you do, you will find that it immediately loses some of its power over you.

Next, you need to soothe and calm the fear that has been stirred up by that doubt. Now that you have gained some distance from it, you can approach this just as you would approach soothing and calming a child or a friend. Sit with your fear, and gently, purposefully relax with it. Validate it, but don't succumb to it.

Finally, when those emotions have settled, you can calmly, deliberately redirect your attention to something more productive or enjoyable. The more often you do this, the more you will reinforce these neural pathways so that you naturally focus on purposeful action rather than dwelling on your doubts.

How hypnosis can help

Overcome Fear You've Done Something Wrong is an audio hypnosis session that will guide you to distance yourself from your obsessive doubts and soothe the associated anxiety.

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you'll notice that you:

  • See your doubts objectively as imaginary and insignificant

  • Can put aside obsessive thoughts to focus on more useful, productive things

  • Are more trusting in yourself and your judgment

  • Feel calmer, more clear-headed, and more confident in general.

I offer in person sessions to help you Overcome any fears or doubts you may have or you can download Overcome Fear You've Done Something Wrong now and learn to set aside doubt when it doesn't serve you.

You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to book an n person session

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901.

Suggested Aromatherapy Oils for help with anxiety

Please click on images for further details :)

Build Your Self-Esteem With NLP & Self-Hypnosis

A social phobia is a fear of interacting with others on a social level. Examples would be talking in front of other people, waiting in a queue at the checkout imagining others are looking at you, or even fear of talking on the phone.

Self-confidence is a feeling that allows people to have positive, yet realistic views of themselves and their circumstances. Self-confident people have confidence in their own abilities, have a general sense of control over their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they want and need to do.

Confidence is a perspective that is accomplished through experiences. When a person experiences success, that person will tend to expect to be successful. And that very expectation will cause a feeling of self-confidence.

For example: A man wants to be a professional boxer, so he gets a manager and takes lessons. His manager will not put him into a bout until he has developed enough proficient fighting skills. And even then, the manager will only put him up against a competitor that he knows his fighter can overpower. When his fighter beats the opponent, he is successful, and starts to gain confidence in his capability.

With each match, the manager puts his prizefighter up against a contender who is a slightly better challenger then the last, but not good enough to beat his man. By the end of the third fight, the young contestant begins to expect to win his fourth, and so his confidence continues to bloom. This series of events continues to repeat itself. And as long as the fighter contestant is victorious, his expectations of success, and his feelings of self-confidence will continue to escalate.

As another example: A young lady who is scared to death of being in high places wants to learn to dive into a swimming pool from a very high diving board. So she finds a diving coach who asks her to take a jump into the pool from the first rung of the ladder going up to the high diving board. The first step of the ladder is not awfully high, so the young lady feels confident, and she dives from that rung, and lands in the water unharmed.

Next, the athletic coach has her take a jump from the second rung of the ladder, and so forth. I assume that you see what's going on here. With each new step she takes as she climbs higher up the ladder, since the girl was able to jump without fear or harm, and the next higher step is only slightly higher then the last, the fear factor is negligible, and the girl expects to be successful. When she dives in and is unhurt, the girl's self-confidence increases, and her expectation of success on the next step up the ladder increases.

If a person who has a long history of success and feelings of confidence does fail, they still tend to expect success the next time out. Conversely, when a person who isn’t as strong in the self-confidence department fails, they tend to lose confidence, and expect failure, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Having true self-confidence doesn't mean that individuals will be able to do everything. People, who have true self-confidence, usually have expectations that are practical. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be confident and to accept themselves.


People, who are not self-confident, tend to depend excessively on the approval of others in order to feel self-confidence. They usually don't take risks because of the fear of failure. They make light of themselves and tend to discount compliments that they receive.

Conversely, confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally have confidence in their own prowess. They acknowledge themselves; and they don't feel they have to conform in order to be admired.

Just because one feels self-confidence in one or more parts of their life, doesn't mean that they will feel overconfident in every single part of their life. For example, a person might feel optimistic about their athletic prowess, but not feel confident as far as members of the opposite sex are involved, such as in a dating situation, or social relationships.

HOW IS Self-confidence Initially developed?

Many powerful and effective truths have an impact on the development of self-confidence.

Parents' attitudes are critical to the way children think about themselves, especially in their early years. When parents provide admiration, children receive a solid foundation for self-esteem. If one or both parents are excessively demanding or critical, or if they are overprotective and discourage moves toward independence, children may be fated to believe they are incapable, inadequate, or inferior.

However, if parents encourage a child's moves toward self-reliance, and they are not overly critical when the child makes mistakes, the child will learn to accept herself, and will be on the way to developing self-confidence.

A lack of confidence is not necessarily related to a lack of ability. A lack of self-confidence is often the result of centering much too strongly on the expectancy of other people in particular friends and parents. The control of peers can be more powerful than that of parents in shaping the feelings about one's self.

Assumptions That Continue to Affect Self-confidence

In response to external influences, people create beliefs. Some of these are helpful and some are not so helpful. Several assumptions that can interfere with self-confidence and positive ways of thinking are:

ASSUMPTION: I must always be successful at every challenge that I undertake. This assumption is a totally unrealistic assumption. In life each person has his strengths and his weaknesses. While it is important to learn to do the best that one can, it is more important to learn to accept yourself as being human, and deficient. Let yourself feel good about what you are good at, and accept the fact that you don't know everything and you don't need to.

ASSUMPTION: I must be perfect, and loved by everyone, and satisfy everyone. Again, this assumption is a totally unrealistic assumption. All human beings are less than perfect. It's well advised to develop personal standards and values that are not very dependent on the approval of other people.

ASSUMPTION: Everything that happened to me in the past remains in control of my feelings and behaviors in the present.

ALTERNATIVE: While it is true that your confidence was especially vulnerable to external influences when you were a child as you gain maturity appreciation and point of view on what those influences have been. In doing so, you can choose which influences you will continue to allow to have an effect on your life. You don't have to be helpless based on what happened in the past


Emphasize Your Strengths. Grant yourself credit for everything that you can do. And bestow upon yourself credit for every new experience you are willing to try.

Take risks. Adopt the attitude of: I never fail, because there are NO failures. However, sometimes I find out what doesn't work and once I've learned what doesn't work in a given situation, I can test something else.

Use Self-Talk: Use self-talk as a tool to counter harmful assumptions. Then, tell yourself to stop. Substitute more reasonable assumptions. For example, when you catch yourself expecting yourself to be perfect, remind yourself that it is impossible to do everything perfectly, and that it's only possible to do things to the best of your ability. This allows you to accept yourself as you are working towards improvement.

Make mental movies: Picture yourself in scenes that you currently have low levels of self-confidence in. But see yourself behaving in the way that a person who has tremendous confidence would.

There are powerful hypnosis and NLP processes that you can use to instill a sizable amount of self-confidence from within your subconscious mind. There are even NLP techniques that will let you take confidence that you do have in areas of your life, and then transplant that confidence to areas of your life that require more self-confidence!

Self-Evaluate: Learn to judge yourself independently. Refrain from the habitual sense of confusion that comes from relying on the opinions of others.

Would you like some help FROM a Qualified Hypnotherapy & NLP practitioner & Trainer?

Please contact my staff or myself by phone or whatsapp on 00356 99355901 if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901.

Best wishes

Kimberley :)

PS: If you would like to read further about treatment for self esteem or hypnosis and NLP I recommend these books

What ‘Makes’ A Relationship Work For You - And How To Achieve it

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In the last one hundred years and especially during the pandemic, the boundaries and definitions of what makes a good relationship have been stretched and distorted into so many new and exciting shapes – some good and some awful. So what ‘makes’ a relationship work for you? And what’s more, what could you do to make the relationship that you are in now – even better?

Could you seek more pleasure, better communication, more companionship or a better sex life from your partner?

Using a mixture counselling, NLP, CBT or hypnotherapy ( whichever suits your need) may be what you both are looking for to help you to achieve all of these goals and more.

Within the sessions which you can attend by yourself or with your partner, over time, you will both respond subconsciously and improve your relationship, even if your partner is not participating actively in dealing with the present issues that you are trying to improve!

This means that even if your other half is not interested in going with you for therapy, they can still be affected by it and change for the better. If this is the case you will be shown techniques that will allow your partner to take notice of the process and want to join in.

There are many issues that can “Rock the Boat” when it comes to relationships, however if the reason that you are looking at this article is because you feel that your relationship could be improved, then let me congratulate you for taking the time to read it.

Hypnosis can help you make dramatic changes in your attitude which will ultimately improve your relations with others. And amazingly, - as YOU make these changes, your partner will respond unconsciously, and together you will co-create better communication and rapport.

In basic terms it means that the sessions are very in effective in dealing with the way we think about things. Thinking is powerful, everything starts with a thought! People that have different perceptions normally have different ideas and views about things.

By improving this type of communication you can completely change your relationships for the better! And this is not all. You will also have a tool to help you to achieve the life of your dreams for both you and your partner.

Because we will use the natural processes of the mind and body, you will be amazed just how quickly you will see the benefits! Remember, relationships are not about – big houses, nice cars or even exotic holidays, but they are about two people living and enjoying life as one.

With a little guidance and time you can truly build a beautiful relationship, now isn’t that what you deserve?

To read further about how we can help you and/or your partner achieve a better relationship please see here

If you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901 by phone , messenger or whatsapp

Here are some relationship books we recommend :

"Can hypnosis cure phobias?".

kimberley stapleton

The big question is "Can hypnosis cure phobias?".

How long have you been stuck in the prison of fear and anxiety ? Here’s how I can help

Hi I’m Kimberley Stapleton , I have over 35 years experience in Hypnotherapy

That’s me on TV :)

One of the many questions I get asked is “ Can Hypnosis Cure Phobias ? “

I use a mixture of hypnosis, NLP and cognitive behavioural therapy when dealing with fears and phobias. So that we remove the blocks that have been preventing you from living your best life

When the hypnotist you are asking answers with a resounding "yes", the next thought is usually along the lines of "yeah, right".

But you'd be amazed at the high success rate that hypnosis has with phobias.

Top athletes regularly use hypnosis in all areas of their career. One of these areas that they may not be quite as public about is a fear of flying. After all, how can something as common place as flying be something to be afraid of? Surely almost every plane that takes off lands again safely?

Yet fear of flying is a biggie.

Hypnosis to the rescue!

By getting to the core of the fear, hypnosis can turn round the fear of flying and let you face an airport without turning into a quivering wreck.

The same goes for any other fear or phobia you've got.

For instance, if you've been afraid of heights since childhood, you can listen to a hypnosis MP3 and watch the fear melt away. This won't mean that you will lose the natural fear that kicks in when you are about to do something stupid from a height. But it will mean that you can climb a tower or tall building and admire the view, without your knuckles turning white while they are gripping the nearest safe object.

Public speaking is another very common fear. Truth be known, most of the audience probably don't care what you are saying in your presentation.

They're just glad that it's you who drew the short straw rather than them. You can use hypnosis to boost your confidence in public speaking so that you don't break out into a cold sweat the next time you are asked to speak in public.

You’d be amazed what types of phobias people have so .. please don’t think that you can’t talk to me about yours:)

Please contact my staff or myself if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta.

Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact us on 00356 99355901 or book an appointment here

For a partial list of fears and phobias I have helped with please see here>>

Have a great, safe day

Kimberley 😊

PS: If you’d like to DIY :) Here are some further recommended reading :

Natural Supplements for Women’s Health: Menopause

Would You Like To Know About A More Natural Approcah To Menopause _.png

A Natural Approach to Menopause

Menopause can go one of two ways. It can be a miserable experience characterized by aggravating menopause symptoms. Or, it can be a pain-free transition that’s barely noticeable. In fact, choosing the right menopause supplement can make all the difference.

Menopause symptoms: Common but avoidable. Every woman experiences her own unique set of menopausal symptoms, which can include hot flushes , night sweats, mood swings, heart palpitations, vaginal and urinary changes, and decreased memory and concentration. Most experts agree these symptoms are caused by low or uctuating estrogen levels, which throw everything off kilter. But that doesn’t mean a difficult menopause is unavoidable.

Between 75-85% of American women going through “the change of life” report experiencing menopausal hot flushes. Yet only about 10% of Japanese women do. Why the discrepancy? It’s all in the diet. Japanese women eat several servings of soy a day, which naturally contain anti-hot-flush substances called Isoflavones American women don’t.

Natural Hot Flush Remedies and Menopause Treatments Isoflavones help you get control of hot flushes – but they also provide relief for a whole range of symptoms. How? ,These phyto-nutrients have the remarkable ability to imitate the biological activities of female hormones. That means that even if your own natural levels of estrogen are plummeting, Isoflavones can trick your body into thinking it has enough. Soy is well-known for its natural content of Isoflavones, but most of the research studying Isoflavones for menopause relief has been performed on red clover.

The formula additionally protects cardiovascular health, with patented Actifolate folic acid and resveratrol; supports bone integrity, due to the synergistic activity of Isoflavones and vitamin D; and provides protection to hormone-sensitive tissues, with rosemary and turmeric.

Black Cohosh Essentials Supplement Scientists have conducted numerous studies demonstrating the efficacy of black cohosh for relieving the discomforts of menopause, with minimal or no side effects. In fact, one double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found the herb was 47% more effective than conjugated estrogen at beating menopause hot flushes! Cohosh has also been shown to help alleviate headaches, heart palpitations, and nervousness and irritability associated with menopause. The evidence is so strong that the German Commission E (similar to our FDA) has approved black cohosh as a treatment for menopause. Iron-Free Multivitamin

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Have a great, safe day

Kimberley 😊

Are you tired of hurting, feeling pain, and battling with health issues?

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Migraine, IBS, Teeth Grinding ????

If so, you may be an excellent candidate for hypnosis.

The interesting thing is that the body is very powerful.

For example, when we sleep, the body will begin to rejuvenate and heal itself during the deep stages. This is why when a person has insomnia, not being able to reach the deep stage of sleep; his or her body is tired the next day, which then manifests as headaches, joint pain, depression, irritability, and so on.

The benefit of hypnosis is multi-layered in that it can help you sleep better, thus allowing the body to work through health problems.

One of the keys in striving for better health is listening to your body while it is going through this healing process. With hypnosis, you will learn how to listen to suggestions while your body is in a deep relaxed state, providing an optimum environment for the immune system to work more efficiently.

Through positive suggestion and healing imagery, you have the advantage of taking a break from the stress caused by illness. The result is that you feel better, are not as tired, and certain illnesses improve.

Look at migraines, which for most people, can be debilitating. Sadly, millions of people suffer from migraine headaches at one level or another. Rather than pump the body full of chemicals in hopes of getting relief, you can use hypnosis.

With this, you would close your eyes and listen to suggestions immediately at the onset of a migraine. During this type of hypnotic session, you reach a powerful level of relaxation, which in turn lowers the blood pressure.

Since migraines are caused by blood vessels being constricted, when blood pressure is lowered, it is not trying to rush through small vessels. Best of all, hypnosis is an all-natural approach, easy to use and highly effective.

Just as with migraines, hypnosis is very beneficial for tension headaches. Although hypnosis can help in many ways, there are three specific reasons it works for this particular type of headache. First, hypnosis takes you into a deep state of relaxation, which again, helps to lower blood pressure and reduce pain. Second, stress hormones also begin to drop with hypnosis. Third, you will discover that levels of concentration and memory are greatly improved. Just imagine no more tension headaches simply with the use of hypnosis!

Hypnosis can also be helpful for a condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In the past 10 years, tremendous research has been done on IBS, a condition in which people suffer from constipation and/or diarrhea, along with abdominal problems. Obviously, IBS can be disruptive to live, making work or school difficult. Now imagine that you work with a qualified and licensed hypnotherapist who can routinely provide you with positive suggestions to get relief from IBS. In truth, people who have gone this route for IBS have experienced up to 80% improvement.

Another area where hypnosis has proven to be highly successful is with teeth grinding. The medical term for teeth grinding is Bruxism, something that both children and adults do. In most cases, Bruxism does no harm but when done on a regular basis, it can cause severe damage to the teeth, as well as other problems such as painful jaws and headaches. Bruxism is often the result of anxiety or stress but can also be the result of missing teeth, crooked, teeth, or abnormal bite. The problem is that most people will grind their teeth while asleep. Therefore, hypnosis can break the habit of tensing up the jaw muscle, stopping the pattern that leads to Bruxism. Since hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, it can be used to reeducate the brain, teaching it to relax muscles. With this, you would have less grinding of the teeth and eliminate the other problems.

As you can see, hypnosis can make a huge difference when it comes to health. These examples are just a few but we wanted to show you the variety of areas in which hypnosis can help. The key is to work with a qualified hypnotherapist who understands the disciplines and principles associated with hypnosis. However, self-hypnosis can also be beneficial but it takes time to learn how to perform it properly. Even so, with the positive suggestions of hypnosis, you can overcome many health issues, leaving you with a long, fulfilled life.